(繁體中文)達立五金有限公司是從事開發製造及代工各種園藝、家庭、工業用手工具的專業OEM/ODM 五金製造廠,已有超過30年的各類五金製造經驗。若 您有需要這方面的產品或開發新品,請與我們聯繫,相信我們的產品品質、準時交貨的排程及具有競爭性的價格,一定能讓 您滿意。(简体中文)达立五金有限公司是从事开发制造及代工各种园艺、家庭、工业用手工具的专业OEM/ODM 五金制造厂,已有超过30年的各类五金制造经验。若 您有需要这方面的产品或开发新品,请与我们联系,相信我们的产品质量、准时交货的排程及具有竞争性的价格,一定能让 您满意。 Company Info R&D in housewares and manufacture of various patented and published productions combined with high technology to meet your OEM/ODM requirement. Over 30 years experience, being a long-term process contractor, we have succeeded in developing kinds of Hardware Productions (included: garden, farm, construction, hand tools and metal productions) & Educational DIY Playing (included: children supplies, toys, stationary and indoor games) for our customers. Your designs, samples and OEM/ODM orders are welcome. And competitive price, high quality and soonest delivery are our unchangeable pany Outline Establish In: 1976Business Type: Export, ManufactureExport Market: GlobalMain Product: Shoulder Spreader, Snip & Grip - Two in One Pruners, Miracle 6 in 1 Glass & Tile Cutter, Sharpener, etc.